Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 297-311

The Use Of The Mother Tongue In Teaching Foreign Languages - French Language –

Authors : Djoubar Ahmed .


The weakness in our students' achievements, especially in foreign languages, is considered as an educational problem that attracted the intention of our educationalists. If it is confirmed that the teaching-learning process relies mainly on two significant factors, the method and the syllabus, this study would work on highlighting the effects of using the mother tongue and lightening of the syllabus on enhancing students' achievements in French language. The fact that our mother tongue is full of words of French origins provided the researcher with a support and used it lately .The method being applied by the researcher facilitated the learning process, and affected the students’ achievements positively. Finally, the method under studying aims at allowing learners to communicate easily using this foreign language ( French Language).


Mother tongue ; Foreign language ; Method ; student’ achievements ; Syllabus