مجلة العلوم القانونية و السياسية
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 916-925

Impact Of Criminal Law Codification On Social Justice" In Saudi Arabia

Authors : دكتور ايمن نواف شريف الهواوشة .


It is known that Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that did not codify the penal law and left it up to judge Jurisprudence, this increases judge burden in criminal issues forJurisprudence in the absence of the text. Therefore, criminal law should be codified to achieve judiciary judgments unity and social justice, which ensures no conflict of judicial judgments or contradictory; while in case of non- codification the application of juristic judgments will be left to judges Jurisprudence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then court judgments become in the state conflicting, and this causes confusion and wasting trust in courts ,judiciary and judiciary judgments .and This is reflected negatively on social justice, as in the absence of codification of criminal law, this is contrary to the principle of legality " Criminal offences and penalties are determined only by the law and leads to lack of a sense of justice, which increases the crime size .


codification , justice , Criminal, penalties,Saudi Legislation