Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 111-123

نقد النموذج المعرفي الغربي عند عبد الوهاب المسيري

الكاتب : عبد الملك لحسن .


Abstract: Abd Elwahab El Massiri is known a famous Egyptian scholar, his give a great importance to the paradigms of knowledge and the cognitive models, however; all his researches and his writings includes some quotes about the cognitive models, he tends to hold, in all the subjects that he dealing with (events, thoughts, attitudes), the invariable line which lays beneath the variant changing things. so that he uses in his researches, the analyzing, dissociation, composition and criticizing method, without paying much attention to an independent information and the knowledge which is separated from the paradigm beneath it. El Massiri certifies that consciously or unconsciously (every human gets to use cognitive model), therefore El Massiri warning us in using of the danger of adopting any method or any philosophy, or, any kind of thinking, without taking into consideration the cognitive model standing beneath it.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكلمات المفتاحية: أنماط الفهم، النماذج المعرفية، عبد الوهاب المسيري، الثقافة الغربية، الفلسفة، العلوم، المعرفة، المنهاج. Key words: cognitive models, paradigms, El Massiri, western culture, philosophy, science, knowledge.