فصل الخطاب
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 131-152

التداولية من الثابت إلى المتحول

الكاتب : محمد جواد مكيكة .


كثيرا ما كان الدرس التداولي رهين كم من التناقضات والانجرافات، التي لم تقدم الكثير مقارنة بالمسعى المراد بلوغه، وخلق أبعاده الجمالية في مجال اللغة واللسانيات عموما، وفي نطاق مطلبها وبعدها التواصلي الاستعمالي تحديدا، إلى أن جاءت مرحلة التعالق، تلك التي بات المشهد اللغوي والنقدي الحديث يفرضها على هذا الدرس، والذي بدأ يبشر بضرورة تجاوز لغة الوضع والقصد، إلى مجال الخرق والتجاوز والانتقال من نطاق الوعي والقصد إلى عوالم الفوضى والعبث، كل هذا وغيره يأتي في سياق تأسيس مشروع جديد، ورسم معالم محاولة جادة للقفز من وراء اللغة، والارتحال بعيدا عنها للوقوف على عوالم المتضمن والمتواري منها. Abstract The pragmatic course was often hostage to a lot of fallacies and bare bets, which did not offer much in comparison to the endeavor to be achieved and the creation of aesthetic dimensions in the linguistic field in general. Within the scope of its demand and then specifically the communication continuum, as long as the structural linguistic studies, and for the natural and direct presence in the language, its unfairness and implication in devoting the logic of trust in its data which made the pragmatism floundering in the space of the emptiness and the clutches of closed space. On the one hand, it was not able to answer the questions of the human, nor, on the other hand, was it able to keep pace with the modern intellectual transformations that began to float on the linguistic studies. Especially those related to the axes of post-modernity, until the phase of comments which the modern scene has imposed on this course. So, it lived side by side with a number of modern knowledge streams, particularly those relating to the concept of poeticism, which was the cause of all that was not intentional to use. The latter, which soon began to herald the need to transcend the situational and intentional language, and research on the banks and margins, where the language of misleading that made even the language of use, the study and research. Especially in unintentional scope, in this situation, opens up new horizons for human, to carry him to move from the fixed world to the transformed worlds, this world that began to open new seedbeds, such as the question of who speaks? Is the speaker or the message on the speaker’s tongue, or the addressee who seeks to drown his intent on the intent of both the sender and the message, all this and other comes in the context of the establishment of a new project; a serious attempt to jump behind the walls of the language, and wandering away to find out the worlds contained therein.

الكلمات المفتاحية

التداولية، التواصل، القصد، اللغة، المتكلم، المخاطب، النظريات اللسانية، المعنى. _Pragmatic course, aesthetic dimensions, intellectual transformation, poeticism concept, intentional language