الآداب و اللغات
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 79-88

Double Discours Et Violation Des Contrats Narratifs Dans « La Femme Sans Sépulture » D’assia Djebar

Auteurs : معراج هواري . Benslimane Radia . مجدل أحمد .


Abstract In the novel La femme sans sépulture, Assia Djebar shows from the beginning her will to be outside the told story. However, we believe to find, by moment, her echos in the weft of the text. Moreover, this novel must be considered in its narrative specificity where the auctorial figure is particularly imperceptible. She is nevertheless outlined, especially in the passages where the narrative contracts cannot, for a reason or for another one, be respected. These enunciative sets in the text of Assia Djebar, bring the proof that the relation author-reader is also important as in the told story. This novelist cannot maintain throughout a single narrative structure, it always arrives one moment when she is forced to violate (consciously or unconsciously) the contract that she settled at first. It is necessary to say that this violation of contracts bound to this singular narrative structure, make Assia Djebar’s novels original and often disturbing for the readers ملخص ملخص في بدايـة روايـة “السـيدة التـي لم تـوار التـراب” قـررت الكاتبة آسـيا ج ّبـار أن تخـرج ذاتهـا مـن أحـداث الروايـة و مـن القصـة المرويـة. و لكننـا نحسـب أنّ وجودهـا لم يختـف كليـة لأنّ في مواقـع عديـدة مـن الروايـة تبرهـن عـن عـدم احتـرام الكاتبـة لعقدهـا الـروائي مـا يضفـي أعالهـا و نصوصهـا أصلـة قـد تكـون مصـدر تشويشـا للقـارئ

Mots clés

Double discours