Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Algérie
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 99-107

The Edough Leptynites, Annaba, Ne Algeria,are They Good Indicators To The Origin Of The Biotite Gneisses ?

Authors : Ahmed-said Y. .


The petrology and chemistry of eleven leptynites from the Edough metamorphic complex are described Geoehemical studies suggest that the rocks are metamorphosed crustally-contaminated granites while detailed trace element modelling indicates they are neither partial melts of the intimately associated biotite orthogneisses nor they represent their more differentiated end-member. It is conducted that the leptynites are acid dykes or sills crystallised from a later magma relative to that from which the biotite orthogneisses were gnerated and hence cannot be used as a guide to the origin of the biotite gneisses.


Edough, leptynites, petrogenesis, S-type, dyke, sill