Revue des reformes Economique et intégration dans l’économie mondiale
Volume 13, Numéro 3, Pages 91-108

تحديات التنمية السياحية في دول شمال إفريقيا The Challenges Of Tourism Development In North African Countries

الكاتب : سهام كردودي . شهيناز صبيحي .


Abstract This study aims at presenting the reality of tourism development In North African countries By highlighting the strategy adopted in these countries and the results achieved, in addition to clarifying the most important challenges facing the North African countries in their journey to develop the tourism sector. The study concluded that although the tourism sector in the North African countries received attention in its development policy, it did not achieve the desired results as the tourist performance of these countries is weak both in terms of attracting foreign tourists or in terms of its contribution to the GDP, Or even in terms of tourism revenues which did not exceed 2% Keywords: tourism development, tourism strategy, tourism revenue, tourism development challenges, North African countries. JEL classification : Q01, R11 , O55, O12

الكلمات المفتاحية

التنمية السياحية ; الإستراتيجية السياحية ; الإيرادات السياحية ; تحديات التنمية السياحية ; دول شمال إفريقيا.