Revue des reformes Economique et intégration dans l’économie mondiale
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 292-310

أثر التسويق الصيدلاني في السلوك الوصفي للطبيب - دراسة عينة من أطباء ولايتي ورقلة وغرداية

الكاتب : قريشي خولة . قريشي حليمة السعدية . بن تفات عبد الحق .


Abstract: The aim of this research paper is to identify the components of the pharmaceutical marketing mix that influence the prescription choice by the doctors, as well as the main sources of information for doctors about new medicines and the most effective persuasion methods used by pharmaceutical sales representatives. The survey has been conducted in the following areas: (Ouargla, Touggourt, Ghardaïa) using 78 doctors. They filled out a questionnaire identifying the elements of the pharmaceutical marketing mix that influenced their decision to prescribe medicines. The results indicate that the elements of pharmaceutical marketing mix (pharmaceutical product, pharmaceutical price, pharmaceutical promotion, pharmaceutical distribution, financial environment and processes) do not affect the descriptive behavior of the doctor.

الكلمات المفتاحية

pharmaceutical marketing ; doctor’s prescriptive behavior ; pharmaceutical marketing mixture ; Ouargla ; Ghardaïa